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2 - Chapter 2: FL STUDIO Breakdown
Now that you are more familiar with the layout of FL STUDIO, we can move on to how to work with the windows that I've mentioned.

Course Video Lessons - FL STUDIO - Beginner Course
1 Opened Prologue & Chapter 1: What is FL STUDIO? 10:00
2 Opened Chapter 2: FL STUDIO Breakdown 10:00
3 Opened Chapter 3: The Fundamentals 10:00
4 Opened MIDI & VSTi’s 10:00
5 Opened Effectors 10:00
6 Opened Arranging with the Playlist Pt. I 10:00
7 Opened Arranging with the Playlist Pt. II 10:00
8 Opened Chapter 8: The Final Task 10:00