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10.1 - Zarani Al Mahboub Acrostic
Learn to play Zarani Al Mahboub Acrostic on Hijaz Kar scale Tareq: Hello my name is Tareq Al Jundi from izif.com. today in lesson number 10 we will learn an acrostic. This acrostic is Zarani Al Mahboub. As you can see, scale index has ♭ Si, ♭ Mi, ♭ La, ♭ Re, with a time signature of 8/4, same as 4/4 with no difference except that the bar is larger and with slightly different tempo. Let us look at this acrostic which is on the scale of Hijaz Kar, but you will notice many transition notations , remember the Hijaz Kar scale which was Do, ♭ Re, ♮ Mi, Fa, Sol, ♭ La, ♮ Si, Do. Let us start reading it, it starts with Es 1 2 3 4 Es Ta Ti Tati Tati Ta Ti Tati Ta Fa tifi Teta Ti Tati Tati Ta Fi Tati Ta Fa tifi Ta, this was the first line. Notice that the music is that same as the singing, this was the intro, I will try reading it with notes 3 4 Es Do Re Mi Re Do Si Re Do Si La Do Si La Sol Fa Do Re Mi Re Do Si Do Si La Si Do Re Do Si Do, let us try to play it, I can play the Es which is the bass Do , 3 4 *Play* next Es Sol La Fa Do Si Re Do Si La Sol Fa Mi Fa Sol Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do , this way bar number 3 4 *Play* Es Sol La Fa Do Si Re Do Si La Sol Fa Mi Fa Sol Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do. The next line is the same as the one before but different in closing Es Sol La Fa Do Si Re Do Si La Sol Fa Mi Fa Sol Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do Do Si La Si Do Re Do Si Do. Look at the first bar in this part which is bar number 6, where we have ♭ Sol, Sol Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do Do Si La , this is ♭ La with the first finger, Do Do Si La Si Do Re Do Si Do. Let us look at how this part turned out from the top, 3 4 *Play* Let us look at the transition notations we have, first we have ♮ Re notation in the piece, *Play* back to ♭ Re here, *Play* then *Play* here is became Ajam, *Play* the composer intended it like this, intended to have this mixture of genres. Next *Play* ♭ Sol *Play* here it shows as Hijaz Kar, *Play* let us look here, I will try to play the part where singing starts, because it is similar to the intro part, no difference. You also noticed that the picks are as we learned before, we can play them the same. Sometimes when it comes to syncopation, for example when we have Es Ta Ti , we don’t play Es Ta Ti, we play it up, we don’t play like this *Play* because when Do is up it is very intense, so I play *Play* like this. Sometimes I can play like this *Play* this Si is up, but I played it down. Sometimes for the aesthetic purposes, I try to sacrifice some rules. I am suggesting this because this is also related to trial and error, it is not a set subject, I am only showing you how to break the rules, because if I ask you to play strictly by the rules, it will be ascending and descending but the result will be very boring. We are building this up so that when we use the rhythmic pick, when the oud player accompanies the singer. Let us listen to the singing part *Play* at the end I played some ritertando to slow down when the song comes to an end. This concludes Zarani Al Mahboub acrostic, it is a very simple acrostic note wise, but music wise it is filled with ideas. We need to practice it very well, and we can listen to many recordings of it on youtube as it is considered one of the oldest acrostics.

Course Video Lessons - Learn Oud 4
1 Opened Hand position shifting 14:34
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2.3 Opened Sultani Yakah Longa 06:07
3.1 Opened Sultani Yakah Longa 05:02
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3.3 Opened Playing Sultani Yakah Longa 03:40
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4.2 Opened Samaee Bayat 03:08
5.1 Opened Samaee Bayat 07:42
5.2 Opened Playing Samaee Bayat 06:02
6.1 Opened Thikrayati piece 07:49
6.2 Opened Thikrayati Piece 08:13
7.1 Opened Thikrayati Piece 08:20
7.2 Opened Thikrayati Piece 03:54
8.1 Opened Hijaz Kar Kurd Scale 05:08
8.2 Opened Samaee Hijaz Kar Kurd 05:05
9.1 Opened Samaee Hijaz Kar Kurd 07:20
9.2 Opened Playing Samaee Hijaz Kar Kurd 04:08
10.1 Opened Zarani Al Mahboub Acrostic 06:40
10.2 Opened Playing Zarani Al Mahboub Acrostic 01:28
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13.1 Opened Mandira Hijaz 07:08
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14.1 Opened Mandira Hijaz 07:09
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15 Opened Samaee Nahawand 10:10
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16.2 Opened Samaee Nahawand 05:56
16.3 Opened Samaee Nahawand 04:52
17 Opened Explaining Bulbul Longa 11:12
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18.2 Opened Explaining Bulbul Longa 04:38
18.3 Opened Playing Bulbul Longa 04:06
19 Opened Samaee Rast 07:31
20.1 Opened Samaee Rast 05:54
20.2 Opened Playing Samaee Rast 03:57