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19 - the second and third verse of Jameel Oweis’s Sama’ee
Tareq Al Jundi continues explaining the second and third verse of Noa Athar
Sama’ee by Jameel Oweis. He discusses the transferences existing in the Sama’ee
and explains once again Al Nakreez scale. Tareq Also gives an exercise on
.alteration.Mr. Al Jundi also continues alteration exercises in playing the Oud
Hello my name is Tareq Al Jundi from i3zif.com. today in lesson #19 we will learn the 2nd and 3rd verse of Jameel Oweis's Sama'ee. Let us look at the second verse, we have a conversion sign ♮ La, first we have ♭ Si, ♮ La, I want to play the first phrase and remind you of a scale I once talked about, *Play music* we have seen this scale before which is Nakreez scale, it was in Nahawand Longa *Play music* here we see how the composer made a conversion in the second verse in Noa Athar scale, to Nakreez scale, let us read the second verse: Si La Sol La sol Fa sol La Si La Sol Fa Mi Re Do Re Mi Re Mi Fa Sol Fa Sol La si La Sol Fa Sol, this is the first 2 bars *Play music* this is the first part, next Sol Re Re Si do Re Re Do Si La Sol Fa Sol La Fa Mi Re Do Si Do Re Si Do Rest , second part 3 4 *Play music* the second verse is now , 3 4 *Play music* I must go back to chorus *Play music* now let us go to the third verse. The third verse is usually the peak in Sama'ee, the composer reaches the highest point In Sama'ee. Now before we go to the third verse we will learn an exercise, this exercise before the third verse is a shifting practice. We know the half position Do *Play music* Re*Play music*in Nahawand ♭ Mi *Play music* we know Fa *Play music* now the question is if we want to do the Sol, Sol is heer beginning of the neck, the end of the neck where it meets the Oud *Play music* this is the Sol. I want to tell you that usually this note below *Play music* is the same as the previous cord *Play music* it is bass and treble, and this is how we make sure it is right. *Play music* for example, this note here is the same as the previous one, meaning Re *Play music*, here it will be La as the previous *Play music* the rule only applies up to here, because the tuning here is different. Now look here, in this case we need to do shifting, first thing will be as follows, we have Do *Play music*, Re *Play music* Notice my thumb, Re *Play music* ♭ Mi *Play music*, Fa will be with the first finger, the one that comes in the fourth finger you will shift to the first *Play music* Sol *Play music* will be in the third finger. I want to tell you about how the thumb goes down. In this case, when the thumb is here *notice* it will be in this position, when it goes down , the lower is goes, it starts going diagonally, not like this *notice* but diagonally. So the thumb must always be watched how it goes down in shifting, from this corner *Play music* it goes down *Play music*like this. Another important note, I have here ♭ Mi *Play music* the first finger must be steady when I go to Fa, because it differs the Fa from Re *Play music*, this is impossible, *Play music* big chance to go off tune, this way *Play music* I will go to Sol *Play music*, Fa excuse me, and the thumb is going down.Now we can practice this exercise first, shifting between ♭ Mi and Fa *Play music* , notice how my fingers are close to the wrist *Play music* this is the first exercise I have, exercise #1, I have Do *Play music* Re *Play music* ♭ Mi *Play music* Fa *Play music* Sol *Play music* Fa Mi *Play music* so the first finger is the leading finger to the right shifting, ♭Mi to Fa, I do like this *Play music*, but this sound can't come out *Play music* this sound is wrong *Play music* I do like this *Play music* first I move my hand then hit with the pick, this is exercise #1, exercise #2 which I talked about *Play music* a very important exercise *Play music* now back to the third verse. The third verse in Sama'ee we have: Sol La Si Do Re Mi Fa Mi Re Re Do Si Do Re Sol. Now we will play it on half position, first thing *Play music*here I will shift the Re to half position, as written with the first finger *Play music* Si will be with the 3rd finger, this is the first phrase *Play music* Fa with the first *Play music* which is the beginning of the second Bar. Look, this note is Fa, then Sol which is in the treble. Those notes we are learning today, Fa sol Mi will be with the second finger, like we learned in the shifting *Play music* like this. So Fa will be like Fa *Play music*, we will practice this phrase. *Play music*. This is the hardest phrase in the verse. Let me repeat the first 2 bars *Play music*we are back to the original position, when I played *Play music* continue *Play music* ♮ Fa, then Fa #, let me explain, from the pick up in the second bar to the third, Si Do Re Sol Mi Re Mi Re Do Si Do Si La Sol ♮ Fa, Fa #, Sol La ♮ Si Do, *Play music* . now I will play it again, from the pick up in the third bar *Play music*the third verse *Play music*notice how I lowered the sound gradually to close this verse. This concludes the second and third verse. Of course I will repeat the chorus after the third verse before I go to the fourth verse which we will learn in the next lesson.
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