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5.1 - The back hole of the Ney
Mr. Rida explains the vocal phases of the back hole of the Ney, then he moves on to explain about opening and closing the angle of the Ney with the mouth. Later on he explains the Trill technique and how to apply it on the Ney instrument.
Welcome, I am Rida Bdeer, the Egyptian Nay player from i3zif.com. Today we will be speaking about the back hole of the Nay. And this whole has different phases while you play, it plays 3 or 4 phases in one sound. And we will explain this as follows *Play music*, another form *Play music*. these are sound that the player can generate while playing the back hole. We will start doing another form *Play music*, what we do is we open and close the angle, giving a different sound, if we do this, even without holding the Nay *Play music*. those are 2 sounds. Let us learn the 3 sounds together *Play music*. this is one form, in the other form you will use other fingers related to the back hole, like this *Play music*, we open the hole and close all other holes, which will give me the next sound *Play music* when we block all the holes and leave the back one open. *Play music* you will not do as I am doing moving, I am moving to show you and the camera what I am doing. But in reality it is like this *Play music*. so now we have the one we talked about *Play music* and this one *Play music* and the third *Play music* .now we know the methods of the back hole. There is something called the Trill, like this *Play music*, again, to be easier *Play music* this is the Trill with the back hole. If we like to utilize it in a tune *Play music* now in slow motion *play music*. this is the utilization of the Trill. Now let us take the base part *Play music*. this way we learned the back hole in many forms.
Course Video Lessons
Learn Ney 1
1.1 | Introduction about the Ney | 02:17 |
1.2 | How to generate sound from the Ney | 05:40 |
2.1 | Using the holes after generating sound correctly from the Ney | 04:42 |
2.2 | Blocking the Ney finger holes, Continue | 04:11 |
3 | Generating sounds using the right hand | 04:50 |
4 | Using the sight and left hand to block the holes | 05:47 |
5.1 | The back hole of the Ney | 04:47 |
5.2 | The back hole of the Ney | Continue | 03:08 |
6.1 | Blocking the finger holes | 04:45 |
6.2 | Exercises on the Ney instrument|Continue | 02:29 |
7.1 | Al Saba Scale | 03:20 |
7.2 | Al Saba Scale| Continue | 03:26 |
8.1 | Al Bayyati scale on Re | 03:56 |
8.2 | Al Bayyati scale on Re | Continue | 02:55 |
9 | Rast Al Do scale | 05:17 |
10 | Al Kurd Scale | 05:45 |
11 | Al Hijaz scale | 05:50 |
12 | Nahawand Al Do scale | 04:54 |
13 | How to perform the Trill on the Ney | 07:01 |
14.1 | Staccato Technique on the Ney | 03:56 |
14.2 | Staccato Technique on the Ney | 03:46 |