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4 - Al Kurd scale
In the fourth lesson we learn Al Kurd scale. This scale is considered one of the main scales in Arabic music. We learn Al Kurd scale from Re. Mr. Tareq explains the notes forming the scale and how to play it ascending and descending. He focuses on the subject of finger spacing when playing the ♭ Mi, and Fa. He gives a quick exercise to condition the left hand to the correct position. Mr. Tareq explains the Kurd Doolab and reads it rhythmically while explaining each part , then plays the entire Doolab continuously, beginning through end.
Hello my name is Tareq Al Jundi from i3zif.com. today in lesson number 4 we will learn a very important scale in the Arabic music scales which is Al Kurd scale. As you can see in Al Kurd scale we have ♭ Si and ♭ Mi. it resembles in its scale key Al Hijaz scale, only we remember that Al Hijaz scale we had the accidental Fa #, which shows within the piece, in this scale Fa will be ♮. Look at the first note, Re, ♭ Mi, Fa, Sol, La, ♭ Si, Do, Re, Re again, Do, ♭ Si, La , Sol, Fa , ♭ Mi, Re. I want to draw your attention to the important issue of spacing between ♭ Mi and Fa. Al Kurd scale is a very important and beautiful scale in the scales of the Arabic music. Its name is derived from the fact that it was widely popular in the Kurd area and Kurdistan, which is why it was named this way because they were known for using this scale. Same as all scales, like the Nahawand scale we learned in the previous lesson because it was widely used in Nahawand area in Iran. Other scales are related to area names, like Al Hijaz scale that we learned, also some sub scales like Al Asfahan scale, in the area of Asfahan in Iran. Now we will learn an application on Doolab Al Kurd. We will try to read it with the metronome , 1 2 3 4 Re Sol Fa Mi Re Mi Re Do Mi Re . notice this sign, which means to repeat the last 2 bars, not one bar, because the sign shows 2 stripes and a number 2 above it, so now we will repeat them and continue, Re Sol Fa Mi Re Mi Re Do Mi Re, next La Si La Sol Sol La Sol Fa Fa Sol Fa Mi Mi Re Do Mi Re, Sol Fa Mi Mi Re Re rest, and from the top Re Sol… 2, again repeat the same phrase.. 2 La 2 .. 2.. 1 2 … 2 Sol 2, 1 2.. from the top.. rest rest.. this way we learn the application and Al Kurd scale, which is a very important and fundamental scale in Arabic music. I would also like to note the third bar in the second line when I want to play Mi Re Do Mi Re, like this, hold the Do and minimize the movement of your fingers. We need to practice it very well because in the next application we will learn an intro to one of Um Kulthoum’s songs.
Course Video Lessons
Learn Oud 2
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