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16 - Es Ta Ti note
in lesson 16, we are introduced to a new note of the syncopation which is Es Ta Ti . Tareq starts to analyze it both by rhythm and duration, and how it was derived. He starts with a first exercise as an application on this note, he reads it rhythmically and plays it while focusing on the direction of the pick during application.
in the second exercise of the new note in syncopation which is on Do scale, Tareq starts reading rhythmically and playing the exercise while focusing on the direction of the pick. He elaboarates on reading the exercise rhythmically in order to understand the concept of syncopation, its importance and applications in oriental music.
Hello my name is Tareq Al Jundi from i3zif.com. today in lesson no. 16 we re-learn es ta ti note, which we learned previously.. What we learned was that we play it Es ta ti, the pick was up, es ta ti. But today , we will break the rule. As I pointed out in the lesson we learned the note in , this rule can be broken, and some pick forms can change depends on emphasis of the note and which note to emphasize on. Let us look at this note we talked about, originally derived from es ti tati, when it was es ti tati it sounded like this , es ti tati.. when we tied this note between the ti and the first part of tati, it resulted in es ta ti es ta ti es ta ti.. like this.. as if it is es ti ti es ti ti es ti ti. The form I am suggesting to use the pick to play it is es down up es down up.. notice that now we are playing the opposite of what we previously did. Why do we do this? You will learn in the applications. Usually when the composer has low emphasis in the middle of the note, and applies syncopation, he usually needs this accent and emphasis in the note to be on the off beat and not on the strong beat or strong note which is located at the beginning of the bar.. let us look at the exercise at hand and try to read it along with the metronome. I prefer to write the direction of the pick like we have here so as not to confuse them. 1 2 es ti tati tati tati es ti tati ta fa tifi ta. Es ti es ti es ti ta, es ti tati es ta ti tati tati, es ta ti es ti ta.. ta fa tifi ta, es ta ti es ta ti, es ti es ti es ta ti. Te ta ti tati es ti te ta ti ta fa tifi ta.. let us play it, 1 2 es ti tati tati tati es ti tati ta fa tifi ta, ti ti ti ta, ti tati es ta ti tati tati es ta ti es ti ta, ta fa tifi ta, es ta ti es ta ti , ti , ti, ta, ti, te ta ti tati es ti, te ta ti ta fa tifi ta.. as you can see here.. this was the first part of the lesson. What you saw here was that we exercised the es ta ti note, we had the es ta ti, now down up.. at this point, I prefer that we write the pick direction in order not to confuse them.. at first you will find it difficult, because we have multiple pick forms now, but it will get easier because we will learn more applications and it will get easier. Now, in the second part of the exercise, we will take a look at exercise no. 2, which is entirely an application on the es ta ti note , as you can see except at the last line of the second bar, we have es ti es ti.. as we know es ti es ti is es up es up, like this. Then we have the third bar of the last line, we don’t have syncopation, es ti tati, then es ti es ti, then Do Do Do.. let us try to read along with the metronome slowly: 1 2 Do Do Re Re Mi Mi Fa Fa Sol Sol Sol ta ta , es ta ti es ta ti es ti tati es ti tati La La, Sol Sol, Fa Fa Mi Mi Mi Re Re Do Do Do. It is all about syncopation.. let us try to play it.. 1 2 … as we saw here, let us review the bars and the pick direction, first bar was es down up, second bar is the same es down up, 3rd and fourth bars are the same. The 5th bar was es ti tati , es up down up, first Sol up, second Sol down, third Sol up.. last bar in the first line was down then up. Second line, first 2 bars were the same , es down up.. the third bar was es up down up, fourth bar was es up down up.. last bar was es down up.. first bar in the third line same thing, es down up, then es up es up. Next bar, the third bar in the last line: es up down up, then es up es up tati ta, which is down up down. Practice very well because we will encounter applications in lesson no. 17.
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