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3 - Elbent ElShalabeyyah song
In the third lesson we learn the song called “Elbent El Shalabeyyah” as an example of another application on the Nahawand scale. It is one of the most popular songs in the arab world. Mr. Tareq starts by explaining the song and playing its parts respectively then playing it as a whole piece, beginning through end while applying all the notes explained throughout the lesson.
Hello my name is Tareq Al Jundi from i3zif.com. Today in lesson #3 we will learn another application on Nahawand scale, which is the song “El Bent El Shalabeyyeh”, I will play it first then explain it. This was El Bent El Shalabeyyeh song. Let us explain it bit by bit, as you can see, it starts with a Lavari or an upbeat form explained in the first lesson. Take a look at the note and try to read it on 52 tempo : Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do Re Si rest, ♭ Mi, Mi Re Do Si La Sol Fa Mi Re Do, Sol Sol Do, Sol Sol Do, Sol Sol Do, one last time Sol Sol Do , Sol Do, Sol Sol Sol Sol La Sol Fa La Sol , rest , Sol La Do Si La La Sol Fa , rest. La La Sol La Sol Fa Mi Sol Fa Mi Re Do Re Mi Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do Do Si DO Re Mi Fa Sol La La Sol La Sol Fa Mi Sol Fa Mi Re Do Re Mi Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do Do Si Do Sol Mi Do , again to repeat sign, tati ta ta tati tati ta ok. Let us try to play with the metronome from the top. Note the ♮Mi here, the high note, this is the ♭ Mi, DO. From the top on 52 tempo , 1 2 3.rest… rest… 2 rest… back from the repeat sign. Ok, before I repeat again, notice how when I played it first, I replaced the rest with a bass cord on the do cord, which I mentioned in the first lesson that we added. I used this cord because the Nahawand Do scale and Do bass, when I came to this phrase , I replaced the rest with this cord, I used it here in place of the rest. We can use it in place of the rest, 2 rest, I used it in this method in place of the rest but we need to learn how to use it correctly. Now starting from the seconda, till the end along with the metronome : 1 2 Re Do Do Di Do Do Re 1 2 3 , 1 2 3, Do Re 1 2 3, 1 2 3, tati ta ti ta tati ta ti ta, tati ta ta ta ta 1 2 3 tati ta ti ta , tati ta ti ta,tati ta ta , ta , ta 1 2 tati tati ta Sol Sol Sol La Sol Fa La Sol rest. Sol La Do Si La La Sol Fa rest. La La Sol La Sol Fa Mi Sol Fa Mi Re Do Re Mi Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do Do Si Do Re Mi Fa Sol La La Sol La Sol Fa Mi Sol Fa Mi Re Do Re Mi Fa Mi Mi Re Re Do Do Si Do Mi Re Do Fa . 2 rest rest. Let us look at the 3rd line from the bottom, we find tati tati with their stem up, and ta fa tifi with their stem down. If you noticed, I played everything with the stem up, this sign the ta fa tifi ta fa tifi, I can play the easier part which is the upper part, La Sol Fa Mi Sol Fa Mi Re, tati tati, or I could have done ta fa tifi ta fa tifi, like this. Instead of La Sol Fa Mi Sol Fa Mi Re, the bar sounds like this. If I want to play from the previous bar, it will sound like.. it is up to us which to play, we know the ta fa tifi should be down up down up, like this La Si , ♭ of course, La Si Sol La Fa Sol Mi Fa like this. This way we finish the third lesson, which is the application of El Ben EL Shalabeyyeh, we need to listen to it and practice very well, we will not increase the speed until we have mastered the tones correctly. See you in the next lesson.
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