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22 - Application
In lesson 22, Tareq continues explaining about the Ta Fi note through an exercise which is a repetitive pattern of different notes starting from Do. Tareq asks the player to apply this pattern on many scales learned and starts by applying it on the Rast scale. He moves on to the second exercise and plays it, then analyzes it musically and plays it gradually while giving notes and tips . Tareq adds a third exercise to practice for the purpose of increasing your speed with practice and improving your right hand performance.
Hello my name is Tareq Al Jundi from i3zif.com. Today we will learn exercises no. 4 and 5, on ta fi note which we learned in the previous lesson. However we will add that we will try to play those exercises as written then try to play them on multiple scales.. we will play them on multiple scales in order to absorb this note and apply it to observe the development of our fingers on different scales to memorize them, let us try to read it with the metronome, 1 2 ta fi ta ta fi ta, ta fi ta ta fi ta ta fi ta ta fi ta ta fi ta ta fi ta ta fi ta ta fi ta ta fi ta ta fi ta , which is Do Re Mi, Do Re Mi, Re Mi Re Mi Fa, Mi Fa Sol Mi Fa Sol, Fa Sol La Fa Sol La, Sol La Si Sol La Si, La Si Do La Si Do.. let us try to play it 1 2 … let us try to look at another exercise.. notice that the first exercise was easy.. let us read the notes Do Re Mi Fa Sol Rest, Sol Fa Mi Re Do rest, Re Mi Fa Sol La rest, La Sol Fa Mi Re rest, Mi Fa Sol La Si , Si La Sol Fa Mi , Fa Sol La Si Do Do Si La Sol Fa, Sol Fa Mi Re Sol Fa Mi Re Sol Fa Mi Re Do rest, now play it…. Rest… rest .. rest… rest… what we see here is that this exercise and the previous one are patterns, certain patterns, the second exercise for examples is ta fi ta fi ta ta fi ta fi ta, starts from Do then Re then Mi then Fa then descends back.. the first exercise as well, is Do Re Mi, ta fi ta.. let us try to play the first exercise on multiple scales, something extracurricular, for example let us play it on Rast scale…. Or on Nahawand scale… the second exercise, let us try to play on Nahawand and a bit faster.. could be even faster … notice that when I play, I even count for the rest, meaning … ta fi ta fi ta rest.. rest… rest.. rest… rest… rest… rest.. rest… which means that the timings do not change when I increase the speed.. our speed needs to be built on sound basis, we need to practice very well on those exercises, and try to change the scale, widen your horizons.. even if we want to play on Al Bayat… this is the first exercise… I will see you in the next lesson to play Mawtini.
Course Video Lessons
Learn Oud 2
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