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15 - Playing “Nassam Alyna El Hawa”
In this lesson Mr. Majed applies “Al Ferdash” technique explained in the previous lesson through a very famous song “Nassam Alyna El Hawa” by Fairuz.
Welcome to i3zif.com, we have reached lesson #10, I am Majed Srour, and keep in mind, we will play! Now we will apply “Al Ferdash” in a track I chose for you on Nahawand scale. It is a popular track for the big artist, Fairuz. We will apply how to play Al Ferdash, and then learn how to apply Al Ferdash on the tracks we played before, in long continuous sounds. Let us see now how to do it *Play music* this is the first time we include Al Ferdash in a track, AL Ferdash is for long continuous sounds , in the violin those long sounds with using the long bow. If we want to play this we have to learn Al Ferdash like we did in the previous lesson. We will learn how to play the order of the song, using Al Ferdash technique which we learned, studied and excelled. *Play music* look at how Al Ferdash delivered the song in a very beautiful way , and the long notes were played fully. Previously we played Mon Amour, there was some silence because we had not learned Al Ferdash yet, I will remind you of the resemblance of how we played before so we can remember it, study it and replay it once we learn Al Ferdash. *Play music*now that we have learned Al Ferdash and are good at it, we will replay all the tracks we played before, so we can play it and play the long notes fully as we should with Al Ferdash. This is today’s lessons, stay tuned and see you next lesson.
Course Video Lessons
Learn Qanun 1
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