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17 - Rast Scale
In this lesson we are introduced to the Rast scale known as the master of scales. We will learn the dimensions of this scale which is important to oriental music. Then Mr. Majed explains and plays the Rast Doolab.
Welcome to i3zif.com, I am Majed Srour, we have reached lesson #12. Today we will be introduced to Rast scale. It is the main scale in Arabic music, and as it is said in Persian, it is the master of scales, Rast means master. We will learn the scale and try to play a familiar track. Now I will play Rast scale *Play music* Rast scale is a scale from Do to Do, it is different than the basic Do Major in 2 note, Mi and Si. The third note of the scale Do Re Mi, the Mi is lowered by ¼ note. As we agreed before that lowering is done by adding a sign named Bimol (♭) , so we will add to the Mi a ½ ♭,to lower it by ¼ note. But in occidental music, it was originally *sound tune* but here in Rast scale *sound tune* lowered byt ¼ note, also the Si, *sound tune* this Si is lowered by ¼ note, just like Mi. in Do Major we agreed that Mi and Si raised fully, off-tune is raised fully. Here we will lower one off-tune in Mi and Si, only one off-tune lowered, as we agreed when we lower the off-tune we lower the tune, and when we raise the off-tune we raise the note. So here we will lower by ¼ note as we said, we will have Mi lowered one off-tune, and Si also. This is the order of off-tunes of Rast scale on the Zither. *Play music* I played this tune so that the scale, as said in the orient, presents; we are listening and enjoying the Rast scale. Now we will play Doolab Rast, a template called Doolab, a very small tune, so we can learn it and start playing Rast scale *Play music* this tune is popular, loved and very well known. We will learn this tune today, Rast scale with Mi and Si ½ ♭,or we can play Do Do Sol Sol, Do and 4th hop descending down, Do Do Sol Sol, we will skip Si and La, and hop, a 3rd hop , Mi Fa Mi Re Do, like this *Play music* . we will learn long sounds and play them, like we learned Al Ferdash and played the exercises. *Play music* long sounds are played in Ferdash *Play music* with the end of the track, we will end today’s lesson. Stay tuned and see you next lesson.
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